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Creating risk model and playbook for energy transition technologies (CS287)



This story is for CEOs who

  1. Need due diligence to identify the best potential investments, suppliers, and partners
  2. Lack the combination of in-house expertise and resources to drive an objective evaluation
  3. Need insight into ways to reduce risks and gain quick wins

The Challenges

A major energy company wanted to invest in new technologies that lower carbon emissions and enhance the way it produces energy. Energy companies are competing to invest in low carbon technology but startups in that sector are plagued with a high rate of failure and offer very little public information. The energy company sought out SGS Maine Pointe for a multi-disciplinary approach that would enable it to:

  • Invest with confidence in energy transition companies and projects
  • Commercialize scalable technologies with less risk.

Evaluating technologies, suppliers, and supply chains to reduce current and future investment risk

SGS Maine Pointe:

  • Researched potential carbon capture, utilization, and storage partners with technologies that are scalable and can be commercialized
  • Performed TRL/MRL evaluations on both the company and its potential partners
  • Performed due diligence with a technical economic assessment to enable the energy company to invest with confidence
  • Assessed costs for initial funding, ramp up, and commercialization
  • Developed a reliable model targeting and evaluating economic, supply chain, development, operational, and installation risks
  • Created a playbook that enabled the energy company to make its own future evaluations

Lessons learned for other executives

  • Energy transition technologies are still mostly unproven over the long term
  • Due diligence helps companies understand and mitigate the costs and risks of any commercial ramp-up
  • A company should evaluate the ability of its current plan-make-buy-move supply chain to take on a new supply chain challenge

The Results

  • Assessed investment opportunities
  • Provided objective risk analysis
  • Developed playbook for future supply chain due diligence
  • Performed TRL/MRL evaluations of company and potential partners
  • Employed multi-dimensional data analytics and benchmarking

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