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One of the largest turnarounds in a plant’s history (CS158)


Just 3 months away from the start of the largest shutdown in the history of a strategic production asset, the company made the difficult decision to terminate its general contractor. Up to this point the contractor had owned and drive the turnaround. To add to our client's concerns, the same contractor was responsible for construction of a new sister plant which was running 18 weeks behind schedule. 

With a turnaround budget set at $60M and potential losses across the asset totaling $3M per day for every day of overrun, fast and decisive action was required to avert a major cost overrun.

The operator needed to identify the gaps, close them and reallocate responsibilities to ensure that the shutdown happened on time,
on budget and without anybody getting hurt. Determined that postponement was not an option, the asset manager called on a
trusted contact at SGS-Maine Pointe to deliver.

How did Maine Pointe help this organization turn things around...? Download the PDF to find out. 

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