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Chief Executive Magazine's 'Future Proofing Your End-to-End Supply Chain for 2023' by Jeff Staub

As CEO of SGS Maine Pointe, Jeff Staub understands the need for companies to pivot fast in this volatile economy. His article, Future Proofing Your End-to-End Supply Chain for 2023, in Chief Executive magazine, concentrates on six strategies that create resiliency, agility, and efficiency along the entire plan-buy-make-move supply chain.

SGS Maine Pointe applies the strategies of network design, SIOP, sourcing and logistics, cash management, contingency planning, and ESG to procurement, operations, logistics, and leadership. As Staub points out, this approach recognizes that every link in the supply chain affects every other link, every function in the company affects every other function, and every individual is a strategic partner in reaching the company’s goals.

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